
What is gdsc google developer student clubs ?

What is gdsc

Hey you all in this post we are gonna to focus on the google program called google developer student clubs ( GDSC ). What is gdsc ? how we can apply for gdsc ?

GDSC is a google program in which many university or college students apply every year in this program students have to spread knowledge through out their college and university or through out locality with full efforts. From this many students get free knowledge and information without any hassle from the gdsc mentors.

Pre-Qualification to apply for this program

Student should have a mastery in any one technology ( LIKE WEB , CLOUD , ANDROID , ) of their field and should have strong communication skills in English and should have leader ship quality, he/she should be a part of running club or any society in college.

When applications opens for this program

The applications basically opens in the month of February and runs till April or July some times

What is the benefit of joining this program

Students get certificate form google team members to mention in resume and a part from this student get full google resources access in free to learn and teach students in your college or also a network growth also with google experts and google employs also .


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Written by Dheeraj Yadav

Founder & CEO - Indo Web Agency Pvt Ltd | Full-stack Developer
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