
What is a WebMaster?

A Webmaster (derived from combining the words Web and Postmaster, read webmaster), is a person who is responsible for maintaining

of one or several web pages and it is usually the webmaster himself who also finances the site. The task of a webmaster consists of managing the server, hardware, software and operating systems, designing or developing the site, communicating with the visitor and reviewing the traffic.
Webmasters are usually familiar with HTML to manage many aspects of the site, but depending on it, a webmaster may also know scripting languages ​​such as PHP, Perl, Javascript, etc. They may also need to work with web server management such as Apache and serve as server administrators. The work of a webmaster is not only related to the technical side of the site, but also to the management of the site’s content, advertising, marketing, and therefore the webmaster is also a person who earns from his work in different ways.

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Written by Francesko bb

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